Common Name:

Pitchfork Prongshell

Pitchfork Prongshell

  • Element Code: 311
  • Make: Glennery
  • Model: Reinforced Quilted Padsuit
  • Author: Rav Corver

They don't make em like this anymore. Used to see these everywheres. Standard issue for brigaders on all sides back during The Pitchforking, those amorphous agricultural land spats that piped up for seemingly no reason at all across the whole Soil Band. Light and dextrous padded armor. Easy to bear and decent impact grading. Quick pop on the shoulders of any old farmer. But far as I know, Glennery clamped their whole line of combat wares to try to pivot into milkwater fashion faffery. And look how that's gone for them. Shoulda stuck with the right and rigid. But if you're lucky enough to snag a specimen, hold fast because supply is limited.