Hyperspec gastros, fuck me. Never seen this strange chimera in the wild myself, but I heard tales of muck divers on Pavreck (I think) that mixed the obtuse arts of hyperspec and gastrotech. Rootin' for scrub tubers and bog pearls, I believe. The muck'll suck you down into zero-vis oblivion, so hyperspec the only route if you want any form of perception beyond dull sensation through rubber fingertip. Venonauts, in all likelihood, as scrub tubers house a potent neurotoxin that'll fetch a mean price if harvested clean. Venonauts dabble in all manner of high-tox consumables. Tis a rare breed that makes for an adept poison poacher and then if you layer some hyperspec madness into that bake, I 'spose it starts to make sense why someone would put scrub tubers in their mouth, machine or otherwise. Gives me the creeps though. Also heard half them muck divers don't ever come up. Not because they get lost, but because they don't wanna leave. If I strain, I reckon I could imagine that immersion in that thick, warm muck with a hyperhat tickling my brain could have a womb-like appeal. I wonder how many are still twitching and tasting in the mud and at what point, by virtue of the nature of their new existence, do they begin to slink past the boundaries that marcate their original species.