Common Name:

Puffy Face

Puffy Face

  • Element Code: 175
  • Make: Channelcraft
  • Model: EX-400 Insulated Bobber
  • Author: Fancy Karl

Channelcraft stitches kit for all sorts, but where they excel is in the not-so-dark arts of insulation. The icy wasteland of Cester Fraesh comes to mind. You want soft bodies and thick layers when kitting for any sort of freeze and Channelcraft's textile prowess is the first place I'd look for such a venture. Haven't gone cold much myself. Don't think my toes could take the pinch. So don't look to me for any such cake, but all the fabbers like to flaunt any sort of field-earned cream and Channelcraft ain't gonna let you glance at a Puffy Face without chanting heavy on their place atop Faulk's head when he ran that ice creeper through the asshole. Bit tiresome, but seems solid enough an endorsement for me. But I ain't no expert.