Common Name:

Little Huffy

Little Huffy

  • Element Code: 221
  • Make: Rembly Tank
  • Model: 550 Breather Tank V4
  • Author: Dugall Freight

For closed-circuit breathers, look no further than Rembly, a one-trick Fringeling manufacturer that slaps composites as good as any heritage BC brand. They've perfected the art of the breathing tank over generations of iterations to arrive at the latest offering in their focused catalog. Compact and lightweight, this backtank is as ready for rugged gas-tox environs as it is for floaters. And it's the weight that sets this particular pack apart from the rest of the float-centric designs where mass is a concern often treated more trivial than colorway. The only consideration is that your gas is gonna need to be pre-mixed. To keep a sleek profile, Rembly tossed out the kitchen. There's no field cocktailing to be had here. But who mixes their own gas nowaways anyhow?